Saturday, March 25, 2006

On the sales floor today.

My first day in car sales was very long and tiring. I walked a total of 3.2 kilometers all over the outdoor sales lot trying to make myself available for people driving around.

I talked with four or five walk-up customers today. I drew up paperwork on two of them but sold no cars or trucks to any of them. I think I may get some sales out of these leads later on, perhaps as soon as next week.

When you are starting out in the business it is tough to get a lot potential sales simply because you are so new to the game that you just don't have the contact list that long-term salesmen do. The best way to overcome that is to "pound the pavement" in search of those who might successfully purchase a vehicle.

Yeah, I would have loved to have sold a car today. But just because I didn't doesn't mean that I'm not going to keep on trying. After the first sale I'm sure the rest of them will get a little bit easier.

I haven't figured out what kind of a salesman I am yet.

Time to hit the books and study hard.

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