Thursday, March 30, 2006

I sold my first two vehicles this past Tuesday.

As exciting as that is though, I know I have a long way to go before I can call myself a salesman. I hope to continue the trend as I learn more and more about my new chosen career.

If you haven't purchased a new or used vehicle from me yet you still have time. There are two days left in this month where an additional $500 rebate applies. There may be future rebates but really, now is a great time to buy a car or truck. Especially if you have finished your taxes and are holding a nice little refund check in your hand.

See you soon?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

On the sales floor today.

My first day in car sales was very long and tiring. I walked a total of 3.2 kilometers all over the outdoor sales lot trying to make myself available for people driving around.

I talked with four or five walk-up customers today. I drew up paperwork on two of them but sold no cars or trucks to any of them. I think I may get some sales out of these leads later on, perhaps as soon as next week.

When you are starting out in the business it is tough to get a lot potential sales simply because you are so new to the game that you just don't have the contact list that long-term salesmen do. The best way to overcome that is to "pound the pavement" in search of those who might successfully purchase a vehicle.

Yeah, I would have loved to have sold a car today. But just because I didn't doesn't mean that I'm not going to keep on trying. After the first sale I'm sure the rest of them will get a little bit easier.

I haven't figured out what kind of a salesman I am yet.

Time to hit the books and study hard.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Day Two of my life in car sales and I'm still on my feet, although my head is spinning just a little bit faster because of all the info on sales processing, models, and all the rest of the job are trying to find a perch somewhere inside.

I'm really getting psyched to start selling vehicles as soon as my supervisor thinks I'm ready to go, which might be as soon as this weekend.

There is a lot of good product in the Ford lineup and I think I can get into the sell of selling without too much of a hitch but I'm not even close to being able to call myself a salesman, not yet. Not until I actually make the first sale.

At this stage I can't know everything about cars or sales but given time I think it will all work out.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The first day of Spring was also my first day on the new job.

I had a good first day of work at Luther Family Ford. As with any job I suppose there is a lot of new information coming at me from 360 degrees at nearly the speed of sound. I think I can process it all but I'm not sure in what kind of time frame.

Ford sells a lot of different car and truck models with so many variants on the body styles that it can literally be hundreds of options for the entire line of vehicles. I'm not going to try and pick up every little detail on every model right away. I'll stick with the big stuff at first and within a year or less (hopefully) I can be pretty familiar with most of what I need to know.

We haven't gotten into the sales process yet so I really don't know how to sell a car. I'm actually not allowed to sell a car this week because I'm in training and we haven't even seen any of the paper work or how that part of the sales process works. That'll take a couple of days at least before I can even begin to think about selling vehicles.

For now, I'm testing out the merchandise and learning everything I can about the product. My "homework" consists of hundreds of pages of product brochures and information books about all the cars, SUV's, trucks, and vans on the lot.

Quite a mental work out for an "old" man.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

I'm just a little nervous on the eve of my career change. I have to admit that I've never sold anything bigger than a 44 ounce cup of soda in my life. Cars? I've bought enough of them in my life to have some idea of how the process works but I am absolutely green when it comes to the professional side of the business.

My supervisor thinks I won't have a problem and that I shouldn't worry too much. I hope he is right--I don't want to make a mistake or fail in this new venture.

But at this stage in my life what do I really have to lose? If I buckle down, study hard, and be my true self I think I've got a good shot at making it work. If things don't work out then at worst I've got to find a different job.

If you're reading this and you live in my area then please help me out and consider buying either a new or used vehicle from me.


Friday, March 17, 2006

Time for a career change here in the life of A Man Named Dana. I am leaving the world of television engineering for a go in automobile sales. How's that for a radical shift in vocations?

I've never had a burning desire to be a car salesman. Not even an inkling or a tingle in my brain that selling anything was my secret desire. Why, then am I starting out in this field?

Lately, several people in my world have told me that I'd be good at selling products to people in a one-on-one situation. I have the vocabulary, the empathy, and most importantly, the ability to "read" people. All these traits are necessary for a salesman to be successful I am told.

I'm also looking to change careers to something that might lead on to an actual career.

So, where am I going to be working?

The local Ford dealership in Fargo, Luther Family Ford. It's a big place with a lot of new and used cars, SUV's, and trucks. So, if you're in the mood for a new or used vehicle please come out and buy one from me.

I'm working on salary, not commission, so I'm not going to pressure you into purchasing the most expensive set of wheels on the lot. I'd be happy just to sell you a car that meets your needs and fufills your expectations.

Check back here often as I update you on my adventures in the world of automotive sales. It might be funny, sad, enthralling, or boring. But that's the story yet to be told.

I start work on Monday, March 20th. Wish me luck?