Monday, July 03, 2006

I'm on a hot streak right now. For the first two working days of July I've sold four cars. It took me almost three weeks to reach that figure last month. For the record, I sold two on the last day of June for a total of six units burning gas. Not good enough. I have to average eight per month. In order to have an eight car average at the end of this month I need to sell eleven total. Only seven more to go in twenty more days of work.

Even though I'm working on salary and not commission, I still have to reach a certain sales goal each month or else my management team gets angry at me for being a slacker. After a certain period of slacking I get put on probation for three months. If during that three month period I don't sell at least eight each month I can be fired.

As I'm rapidly finding out, selling cars is 10% perspiration and 90% luck. For example, I had sold one truck last Saturday morning to a be-back customer and was heading out the door when I literally stumbled across a fresh-up who ended up doing a two-fer, or a two car deal. If I hadn't been in that door at that exact moment then some other salesman in my dealership would have gotten the two-fer instead of me. Now that's luck.

Most of the customers who buy from me are fresh-ups rather than be-backs. Very rarely do I get people returning to the lot to buy a car. I never give up on them but I don't expect them to come back once they depart the lot after their first visit. That's one of the laws of car selling: sell people a car on their first visit or else you won't get another chance.

Selling cars is such an unpredictible business, eh?

1 comment:

D-Dog said...

Congrats on the good July! If ever I hear of anyone in the area looking, I'll send them your way.

Heard about your U2 concert being canceled - sorry buddy...